Flow meter Archives - Page 58 of 69 - Just Measure it

Flow meter

Turbine flow meter China

In the mid-1970s, enterprises in China began to be applied in the industrial field and successfully solved many working fluid mass flow measurement and measurement management problems. Especially for the development of computer network technology, the turbine flowmeter has a great degree of breakthrough and progress in measuring the flow field. With the current rapid

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Turbine flow meter based on or turbine flow meter basics

The working principle of the turbine flowmeter : The fluid flows through the turbine housing causing an internal rotor to spin. As the rotor spins, an electrical signal is generated in the pickup coil. This signal is converted into engineering units (liters, cubic meters, gallons, etc.) on the local display where is applicable. Optional accessory

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Turbine flow meter application

The turbine flow meters are widely used in liquid and gas measurement. The typical application has natural gas, diesel fuel, compressed air, water, sanitary measurement, pill coating, gas and oil, hydraulic oil, disposal wells, chemical injection, engine testing, shipboard reverse osmosis systems, monitor fuel supply to ship engines, custody transfer, building automation HVAC, and water

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