Electromagnetic flow meter fault 4-20mA inaccurate - Just Measure it

Electromagnetic flow meter fault 4-20mA inaccurate

Fault point: Converter


Test tool: Multimeter


Checking solution.

1. The measurement range of the flowmeter is consistent with the user’s equipment

2. The user will remove the 4-20mA line, enter the converter parameter settings, find the current zero point correction, and current full correction, and press the enter key to enter the current zero point, currently full, respectively, to detect whether the output is accurate


Test results: 1. Inconsistent measurement range

2. Current zero point and current full scale are not accurate


Treatment options: 1.

1. Set the measurement range through the parameters to adjust the same

2. Correction through the current zero point, current fullness (please consult the after-sales staff if you have any questions)

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