What you need to know about working conditions when measuring large storage tanks with radar level meters - Just Measure it

What you need to know about working conditions when measuring large storage tanks with radar level meters

In the petrochemical industry, there are many storage tanks, not least of which are large ones. Large storage tanks are an important part of the petrochemical industry and their level measurement is crucial, and directly related to the production of products and the safety of the tank farm. So, what working conditions do you need to know about measuring large storage tanks with radar-level meters?

The products stored in large storage tanks are mostly combustible and explosive and are a source of danger for major accidents. Once the level is not controlled properly, it is very easy for leaks to occur and cause explosions or fires, causing significant damage to people and property. This is an important point and must be taken into account when choosing a radar-level meter.

Large storage tanks are usually large and many companies choose to place them outdoors. Outdoors, there is a lot of direct sunlight and heavy rainfall in the summer and sometimes snow and wind in the winter. Therefore, when choosing a radar level meter, it is important to choose one of better quality and to be prepared for sun and rain protection when installing it. In winter, if necessary, add some insulation measures to prevent freezing.

The above two points are for most large storage tanks. So, for the petrochemical industry in the measurement of large storage tanks, and radar level meter measurement what other key points need to pay attention to?

Metering large storage tanks, mainly used for trade, have high accuracy requirements. When choosing a radar level meter, it is important to put accuracy first place. Usually, for trade-level measurements, an accuracy of plus or minus one millimeter is required.

The above content is for the radar level meter to measure large storage tanks in the petrochemical industry, in fact, in addition to these aspects, we should also focus on what is being measured, what characteristics it has, whether there are obstacles in the tank, and so on.

Radar level meters measuring large storage tanks need to understand the working conditions, measuring spherical tanks, floating top tanks, and other storage tanks, and also need to understand the working conditions clearly. So that when you choose, you can choose the right product.

A radar level meter is different from other products, if you do not choose the right, measurement is not allowed to say, it is likely to be impossible to measure the situation. So before you choose, you must understand your own working conditions clearly.

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