Target flow meter trouble shooting - Just Measure it

Target flow meter trouble shooting

Trouble Shooting

  1. The flow meter displays non-zero, while the flow velocity is zero. The following reasons and

solution methods may be included

  • Flowmeter was not installed in a strictly horizontal position. Solution: zero set operation.
  • Flowmeter has run for a long time and error occurs. Solution: zero set operation.
  • Overloading brings zero offsets. Solution: zero set operation.
  • The sensor is wetting or no insulation. Solution: drying sensor by drier or return the flow meter to the factory.
  • Some eye-winker clips the target or transition part. Solution: close front and behind valves and loosen the connecting bolt between transitional part and measure tube, then sway lightly the target or transition part or put them out and clean them, finally replace them.
  • High-temperature type flow meter without temperature compensation has not been set zero under high-temperature conditions. Solution: zero set operation under high-temperature conditions.
  1. LCD display value appears non-normal accretion. The following reasons and solution methods may be included:
  • Some silk or belt-type eye-winker accretes on the target. Solution: clean the target.- 15 –
  • Much dirt accretes on the target. Solution: clean the target.
  • The sensor is wetting then the insulation resistance is decreased. Solution: drying sensor by drier or return the flow meter to the factory.
  1. Measurement error big. The following reasons and solution methods may be included:
  • Flowmeter is installed on the non-coaxial position corresponding to the connecting pipeline. Solution: adjust the installation position.
  • The front or behind connecting pipe is so short. Solution: re-installation or re-test.
  • The by-pass pipe is of leakage. Solution: check or replace it.
  • Some silk or belt-type eye winker accretes on the target. Solution: clean the target.
  • Integration microcomputer circuit board runs wrong. Solution: Return the flow meter to the factory.
  1. LCD displays nothing or invariable numbers. The following reasons and solution methods may be


  • Battery or 24V DC power is connected wrong or bad. Solution: check and re-connect all of the connecting wires and clips.
  • The Circuit board or LCD is damaged. Solution: return the flow meter to the factory.
  1. LCD displays zero always. The following reasons and solution methods may be included:
  • The target falls off or is damaged. Solution: Re-install the same type of target.
  • The sensor is damaged. Solution: Return the flow meter to the factory.
  • Some eye winker clips between target and transition part. Solution: Clean them or return the flow meter to the factory.
  • Flow velocity is so low to lees than the minimum flow scale. Solution: Return the flow meter to

factory to replace another type of target.

  1. The output does not run or runs wrong. The following reasons and solution methods may be included:
  • Output connection is bad or wrong. Solution: Check and re-connect all of the connecting wires

and clips.

  • The Circuit board is damaged. Solution: Return the flow meter to the factory.
  • The user’s signal receiving system runs bad or wrong. Solution: Check and debug it.
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