Orifice Plate Flow Meter with totalizer - Just Measure it

Orifice Plate Flow Meter with totalizer

Orifice meter has a long history background, all kinds of test data is complete. 

Simple structure, no moving parts, long-term use of stable and reliable, high precision. Have rich experience in design and manufacture and application. 

Doesn’t need a high degree of standardization, good linear, solid flow calibration Orifice meter have reliable experimental data and perfect international (ISO5167-2003), the national standard (GB2624-2006). 

In foreign countries and has its inherent in the huge domestic market, users are familiar with, data; 

Follow the international standard calculation and processing use agile and convenient; 

Domestic currently the most widely used in flow measurement is still a differential pressure type flow meter, according to estimates of the relevant information of flow meter between 75% and 85% of the total consumption. 

It’s in the steam boiler, petroleum chemical, steel, electric power, water conservancy, building

Working Principle

Full of fluid pipes, when they flow through the pipe orifice flow, flow velocity in the flow orifice throttling of forming
local contraction, accelerated to flow, static pressure is reduced, so the orifice meter before and after the pressure drop is

produced or differential pressure, the greater the flow medium traffic, the flow before and after the orifice of the greater the
pressure difference so can be measured by a pressure difference to measure the size of the fluid flow. 

This kind of measurement method based on the flow continuity equation (conservation of mass) and the Bernoulli equation (energy
conservation) based on the principle.

Flow calculation Formula:

In it:Qm ,Qv ——means mass flow(㎏/s)and Volume flow(m3/s)


1. Experimental study and data accumulation are rich, have the support of the national standard.
2. Using differential pressure range
3. Pipe diameter scope large.
4. High measurement precision, a wide range
5. Can be used in high temperature, high pressure, and temperature conditions under various working conditions 6. Can be applied to all kinds of material
7. Digital field display, compatible signal remote transmit
8. Applicable medium range, for all kinds of liquids, gases, and steam flow measurement
9. Manufacturing is simple, convenient installation
10. The pressure loss is about half of the differential pressure

Main technical parameters

  1. DN:25mm≤DN≤2400mm
  2. PN: PN≤42Mpa
  3. Working Temp.:-50℃≤t≤550℃
  4. Aperture ratio:0.10≤β≤0.75
  5. Reynolds number range : when 0.10≤β≤0.56 时 5000≤ReD
  6. When 0.45≤β≤0.75 时 10000≤ReD
  7. Accuracy:1.0%,1.5%,2.0%
  8. Connection: Welding、Flange

Structural Diagrams Diagrams sorted by opening and install forms as below

Concentric Orifice plate flow meter

Pressure taking method

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