How to deal with radar level meter no echo fault - Just Measure it

How to deal with radar level meter no echo fault

Radar level meter is a new type of liquid level measuring instrument, is widely used in various fields. However, in the production process, the radar level meter will also have many failures, one is called no-echo failure, many people do not know what causes it, and do not know how to deal with it.

In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the radar level meter, I combine two kinds of working condition examples to give you an analysis of the reasons for the appearance of the radar level meter no-echo fault and solutions.

The first working condition

The working condition: at room temperature and pressure, with a small amount of steam, the measurement medium is gypsum slurry.

The problem: jumping, no signal.

Analysis: ①Complex working condition ②Radar installation position is too close to the tank wall ③The bottom of the tank is sloping, there are obstacles near the bottom and the tank wall, causing more clutter and the real signal value is too small.

Solution: change the range, adjust the echo threshold and envelope amplitude, and empty the tank to learn the false echo curve.

The second working condition

Occasion: Sewage treatment

Problem: Jumping change

Reason analysis: There is interference under the water well, and the radar is installed under the iron pipe by interference.

Solution: Adjust the installation position and debug the radar parameters.

From these two examples, we conclude that an important reason for the failure of the radar level meter without echo is the improper installation position of the radar level meter. If the radar level meter is installed too close to the tank wall or not perpendicular to the measured medium, the microwave pulse will not reach the specified position and cannot return in an original way, thus the signal cannot be detected. In this case, the best solution is to adjust the installation position so that the signal returns to the normal track.

In fact, in addition to the above two cases, there are also many situations that can lead to radar level meter no-echo failure. For example, if the radar antenna is contaminated or there are accessories on the antenna, there is also a low dielectric liquid due to the weak emission capacity will also appear to have no-echo failure.

In short, encounter specific problems specific analysis, in the use of any problems that can not be solved, remember to consult with the business, in order to better solve the problem. I hope this article today will help you!

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