How high frequency radar level meters measure large silos - Just Measure it

How high frequency radar level meters measure large silos

Radar level meters are advanced measuring instruments for solid materials, process vessels, or strong dust prone to crystallization and dew condensation.

It has the advantages of low maintenance, high performance, high accuracy, high reliability, and long service life. It can be adapted to harsh production environments such as high temperature, high pressure, and steam.

Level measurement in large solids silos is a problem for users, especially in dust-filled and disturbed filling silos up to 50/100 meters.

High-frequency radar level meters are particularly suitable for level measurement in such large solids silos!

The higher the frequency the shorter the electromagnetic wave, the easier it is to have better reflections on inclined solid surfaces, and the narrower the beam width to effectively avoid obstacles, the higher the frequency also allows the radar to use smaller antennas.

The higher frequency also allows the use of smaller antennas.

The loss of waves in solids measurements can be reduced in highly dusty solids bin measurements.

Thus FM radar at high frequencies in solids measurement can provide accurate and reliable measurements.

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