Electromagnetic Flowmeter Used In Beer And Wine - Just Measure it

Electromagnetic Flowmeter Used In Beer And Wine


Alcoholic beverages are liquid consumables that have come to stay in our world today. Occasions ranging from weddings, birthdays, and other anniversaries have made the demand for alcohol a global concern to its users even in ordinary times. Some use it as a form of relaxation and have a good time with members of their social class. Clearly, this explains why beverage companies require electromagnetic flowmeters to bring about hygiene and quality during manufacturing these consumables.

An electromagnetic flowmeter is a device used for liquid measurement to gauge the linear and non-linear quantity of liquid going into the bottle accurately and with stability and the volume of the liquid. In selecting a proper electromagnetic flow meter, it is crucial to consider the beverage medium, temperature, and pressure when trying to purchase a flow meter needed to check the beer flow. More importantly, this flow meter meets up with the standard of the food and beverage industries.


Electromagnetic flowmeters generally have unique properties that set them apart from other flow meters due its working principles and mechanism. These working principles have been widely accepted by brewing companies which makes the electromagnetic flowmeter a premium. These properties include;

  • It has sensors that can be connected with ease.
  • It is easy to maintain, dismantle, and clean.
  • It prevents the accumulation of debris within the tube.
  • It is highly accurate. (Almost error-free).
  • It displays positive and negative range flow.
  • The properties of the alcoholic beverage do not affect the flow meter.

Sanitary electromagnetic flow meter


Different flow meters are adopted by other beverage companies and are also used for other beverage products. But some collective application why industries would go for the electromagnetic flowmeter would be:

  • Alcoholic beverage companies choose it solely because it brings about hygiene.
  • It is suitable for measuring beverages that have not gotten to their final state.
  • The Electromagnetic flow meter causes no pressure loss.
  • It can also work well with corrosive fluids.
  • The flow meter has a wide caliber range.


As technology improves, the beer flow machine also improves to meet the standard required by the brewery companies, as stated earlier. The Contact type of flow meter is popularly known as the Sanitary flow meter, and there also is the Non-Contact type, which is mainly used externally. It is also known as the Ultrasonic type flow meter. Some examples of beer flow meters are;

  • Magnetic Sanitary Flowmeter.
  • Turbine Sanitary Flow Meter.
  • Handheld Ultrasonic flow meter
  • Ultrasonic Clamp-on flow meter.
  • Strap on flow meter X3.


The Electromagnetic flow meters can be considered having a proper beer flow meter for the beer and wine industries amongst other flow meters if the sectors aim to achieve appropriate working conditions on the field and maintain a flow range. No beer flow meter can be best for a particular job, but it is imperative to choose one that has been tested and trusted over some time.

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