Differential pressure flowmeter common troubleshooting methods - Just Measure it

Differential pressure flowmeter common troubleshooting methods

Phenomenon Reason Treatment Measures
Indicates zero or very small movement 1. The balance valve is not fully closed or leaking. 1. Close the balance valve and repair or replace it with a new one.
2. The high and low-pressure valve at the root of the throttling device is not open. 2. Open the high and low-pressure valves.
3. The valve and pipeline between the throttle device and the differential pressure meter are blocked. 3. Flush the line, and repair or change the valve.
4. The vapor guide tube is not completely condensed. 4. Wait for complete condensation and then turn on the meter.
5. The liner between the throttle device and the process piping is not tight. 5. Tighten the bolt or change the pad.
6. Internal failure of differential pressure meter. 6. Inspection and repair.
The indication is below zero 1. Reverse connection of high and low-pressure piping. Check and connect properly
2. Reverse signal line connection. Check and connect properly
3. Severe leakage or rupture of high-pressure side piping. 3. Change the parts or change the pipe.
Low indication 1. The high-pressure side piping
is not tight.
1. Check and eliminate leaks.
2. The balance valve is not tight or not closed tightly. 2. Check, shut down or repair.
3. High-pressure side pipeline
air is not purged.
3. Exhaust the air.
4. Differential pressure meter or secondary meter zero position
is out of adjustment or dislocation.
4. Check and adjust.
5. The throttling device and differential pressure gauge are not matching and do not meet the design requirements. 5. Replace the matching differential pressure meter.
High indication 1. The low-pressure side
piping is not tight.
1. Check and eliminate leaks.
2. Air accumulates in the
low-pressure side line.
2. Exhaust the air.
3. The pressure of the vapor is lower than
the design value.
3. Correction according to
the actual density.
4. Zero drift of
differential pressure meter.
4. Check and adjust.
5. Throttle device and differential
pressure gauge do not match.
5. Replace the matching differential
pressure meter.
Large fluctuations in indications 1. The flow parameters
themselves fluctuate too much.
1. High and low-pressure valves
are properly closed.
2. The pressure measuring element is more
sensitive to parameter fluctuations.
2. Properly adjust the damping effect
Pointer does not move 1. Frost protection facilities fail, and the differential pressure gauge and the
hydraulic pressure inside the guide tube freeze.
1. Strengthen the effect of
anti-freezing facilities.
2. The high and low-pressure
valves are not open.
2. Open the high and
low-pressure valves.
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