Operational Cost Savings |
Meter Reading |
Reduction in Meter Reader charges/Billing Costs |
Reduction in Special Meter Reads |
Reduction in Estimated Bills |
Reduction in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) incident costs |
Reduction in vehicle energy costs (GHG emissions) |
Reduction in billing and collection costs monthly billing is coupled with eBilling and direct debit collection |
Financial Management |
Improved revenue forecasting/recovery |
Cash flow/reduced working capital from Monthly Billing |
Reduce residential nonrevenue water data errors/losses |
Reduce nonresidential nonrevenue water data errors/losses |
Reduce nonresidential nonrevenue water data errors/losses |
Utility Costs |
Reduction in the wholesale cost of Water |
Reduction in network leaks and other NRW causes (e.g., bursts) |
Better peak water demand management |
Reduction in water pumping cost (GHG emissions) |
Reduction in water theft |
Reduction in labor costs associated with leak detection |
Meters |
Deferred meter replacement (through water conservation, targeted replacement) |
Tarrifs |
More flexible tariffs by industry |
Load shifting (leveling) |
Improvement in customer service/satisfaction |
Capital Cost Savings |
Planning |
Improved Network Planning |
Deferred network augmentation |
Risk |
Reduction in Risk premium/Working Capital Costs |
Increased value of the asset (service connection) |
New Knowledge |
New Knowledge |
Nonresidential customer property use |
Tourism impacts for tourist region (Seasonal/event) |
Understand Time-of-day use by residential customer segment |
New Algorithms |
Meter oversizing identifier |
Reduced uncertainty/reduced risk margin |
Improved forecasting of sewer flows |
Improved demand forecasting and revenue projection |
Diurnal curves for nonresidential customers by customer type |
Improved demand forecasting and revenue projection |
Improved demand forecasting and revenue projection |