Benefits for Utility Companies of Smart/Digital Metering - Just Measure it

Benefits for Utility Companies of Smart/Digital Metering

Operational Cost Savings Meter Reading Reduction in Meter Reader charges/Billing Costs
Reduction in Special Meter Reads
Reduction in Estimated Bills
Reduction in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) incident costs
Reduction in vehicle energy costs (GHG emissions)
Reduction in billing and collection costs monthly billing is coupled with eBilling and direct debit collection
Financial Management Improved revenue forecasting/recovery
Cash flow/reduced working capital from Monthly Billing
Reduce residential nonrevenue water data errors/losses
Reduce nonresidential nonrevenue water data errors/losses
Reduce nonresidential nonrevenue water data errors/losses
Utility Costs Reduction in the wholesale cost of Water
Reduction in network leaks and other NRW causes (e.g., bursts)
Better peak water demand management
Reduction in water pumping cost (GHG emissions)
Reduction in water theft
Reduction in labor costs associated with leak detection
Meters Deferred meter replacement (through water conservation, targeted replacement)
Tarrifs More flexible tariffs by industry
Load shifting (leveling)
Improvement in customer service/satisfaction
Capital Cost Savings Planning Improved Network Planning
Deferred network augmentation
Risk Reduction in Risk premium/Working Capital Costs
Increased value of the asset (service connection)
New Knowledge New Knowledge Nonresidential customer property use
Tourism impacts for tourist region (Seasonal/event)
Understand Time-of-day use by residential customer segment
New Algorithms Meter oversizing identifier
Reduced uncertainty/reduced risk margin
Improved forecasting of sewer flows
Improved demand forecasting and revenue projection
Diurnal curves for nonresidential customers by customer type
Improved demand forecasting and revenue projection
Improved demand forecasting and revenue projection
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