The antenna that transmits and receives signals from the specified direction, the common antennas in the level radar measurement are, horn-shaped, rod-shaped, parabolic-shaped, etc.
The attenuation can be expressed as a pure ratio of the input amplitude to the output amplitude.
Blind spot
A non-sensing area from the reference point plus an additional shield length, which will be ignored by the instrument during processing
Property of a system consisting of a conductor and an insulator that can store currently when there is a voltage difference between the conductors. The value is expressed as the ratio of the number of currents to the voltage difference, in Faraday (Farad)
A term applied to the performance of an instrument to indicate the way in which a measurement collates a stable display value after a change in level value
Unit indicating the signal amplitude
The reflected signal, which is large enough in amplitude and can be distinguished from the transmitted signal in some way, is called an echo. The echo is related to the directly emitted signal and is frequently measured in decibels.
The number of times that occur per unit of time, the frequency can be specified as cycles per second
Frequency unit, one cycle per second, 1ghz is equal to 1000000000hz
Different currents in a circuit or in an adjacent circuit induce an electric potential in Henry
Refers to electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz
A section of pipe on the vessel used to mount the flange
Change some variable to a constant for a specified purpose or process
Properties of the emitted electromagnetic wave describing the direction and amplitude of the electric field vector that changes with time
radar is the short form of Radio Detection And Ranging, a device that emits and uses those electromagnetic waves reflected by a target to determine the distance or location of the target
Speed of light
The speed of electromagnetic waves (including electromagnetic waves and light in free space), the speed of light is 299,792,458m/s
Diameter pipe
A tube is installed in the vessel and parallel to the vessel wall, which is open at the bottom of the vessel
A mechanical device for mixing or aerating, a device for generating fluctuations
Beam angle
Beam clip angle with half the energy as a limit (-3dB)
Substances that do not conduct DC currents, (many conductive liquids, etc. also have dielectric properties: the dielectric constant of water is 80)
Measuring the proximity of multiple measurements of the same variable in the same situation
Ambient temperature
The temperature of the surrounding air in contact with the equipment enclosure
Beam divergence
The beam is dispersed when passing through a medium
Dielectric constant
The ability of a dielectric to store electrical energy under electromagnetic field induction is often referred to as the relative permittivity, and the increase in permittivity is directly proportional to the increase in signal amplitude. The value is generally relative to vacuum/dry air, where the dielectric constant of air is 1
Echo processing
The process of determining echoes by the radar unit
Launch cone
Extension of the antenna angle
False Echo
Additional echoes affecting the measurement, in general, spurious echoes are generated by the obstruction of the vessel
Echo intensity
Describe in dB the intensity of the selected echo above 1 μV rms
Secondary echoes at the target echo distance, which may be double, triple, or quadruple echoes
Threshold Curve
A time-dependent curve that serves as a threshold above which echoes are considered valid