High frequency rectangular wave excitation and programmable pulse width rectangular wave excitation - Just Measure it

High frequency rectangular wave excitation and programmable pulse width rectangular wave excitation

Advanced electromagnetic flowmeter manufacturers, aiming at slurry fluid measurement and high-speed responsiveness, apply advanced semiconductor components and single-chip computer technology, and develop various high-frequency rectangles relative to low-frequency (1/8 to 1/32 power frequency) Wave excitation (usually around 100Hz, medical blood flow meter measuring human body up to 400Hz) and programmable pulse width excitation electromagnetic flowmeter, and use the storage and calculation functions of a single-chip computer, from the point of view of data acquisition and software Shape interference processing to improve the performance of slurry measurement and high-speed response.

High-frequency rectangular wave excitation and programmable pulse width excitation electromagnetic flowmeters may lose some of the characteristics of low-frequency rectangular wave excitation zero point stability, and can only be a flowmeter suitable for specific applications. At the same time, because high-frequency excitation may cause the eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of the sensor magnetic circuit to increase, the magnetic circuit structure and the applied magnetic materials have higher requirements than the low-frequency rectangular wave excitation.

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