Ultrasonic level meters are not suitable for which applications - Just Measure it

Ultrasonic level meters are not suitable for which applications

In simple terms, ultrasonic level meters are based on the principle of sound emission for level measurement, and as a non-contact, cost-effective measuring instrument, they are widely used in the petroleum, mining, power, chemical, and environmental protection industries. Although it involves a wide range of industrial uses, there are many occasions where it cannot be applied. So, which occasions are not suitable for the application of an ultrasonic level meter?

1. In a vacuum environment

According to the working principle of the ultrasonic level meter, the sound waves emitted during the measurement need to be transmitted through the medium and cannot be measured in a vacuum environment.

2. The need to carry out a large number of range and data requirements of high precision occasions

Ultrasound is a mechanical wave and attenuates as it propagates, so the actual range is smaller and slightly less accurate, making it unsuitable for use in large ranges and high-precision applications.

3. High temperature and high pressure in the production process

The ultrasonic level meter relies on a transducer, which is composed of a piezoelectric ceramic and a plastic shell, which cannot be used in high-temperature and high-pressure environments.

4. When the temperature changes too frequently

The distance measured by the ultrasonic level meter in practice is determined by time x speed of sound = distance. As the temperature changes the speed of sound will change, resulting in inaccurate data, so in applications where the temperature changes too frequently, it is not suitable to use ultrasonic level meters.

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