Installation requirements for radar level meters in fluidized bed reactors - Just Measure it

Installation requirements for radar level meters in fluidized bed reactors

A radar level meter is a new type of intelligent level meter, which transmits and receives low-energy microwave pulses through the antenna system to accurately determine the level. Even in the case of complicated working conditions and the existence of false echoes, the level echoes can be accurately analyzed with the latest microprocessing technology and debugging software, so the radar level meter is more adapted to be used for level measurement in gas-solid fluidized beds. So what are the requirements for its installation?

Whether the radar level meter can measure correctly depends on the signal of the reflected wave. In a gas-solid fluidized bed reactor, if the selected installation position is not proper, the bed of silica powder particles cannot reflect the electromagnetic wave back to the radar antenna or there are interfering objects within the range of the signal wave reflecting the interference wave to the radar level meter, the radar level meter cannot reflect the actual material level correctly.

Therefore, a reasonable choice of installation location is very important for silica powder level measurement and the following points should be noted during installation.

1. The axis of the radar level meter antenna should be perpendicular to the reflective surface of the silica powder level in the reactor.

2. The reactor contains a charging port and slag discharge port, if the reflected wave of interference is generated within the signal range of the radar level meter, it will affect the level measurement. Choose a suitable installation position during installation to avoid the influence of the filling and slagging ports.

3. The horn-type radar level meter’s horn mouth should exceed the inner surface of the installation hole by a certain distance (more than 10mm). 

For a round or elliptical type container, it should be installed at a distance of 1/2R (R for the container radius) from the center, not at the center of the top of the round or elliptical container, otherwise, the radar wave will be reflected by the multiple container walls and gathered at the center of the top of the container, forming a strong interference wave and affecting the accurate measurement.

4. For the convenience of maintenance, the radar level meter should be installed in a location of easy maintenance and should be installed 2 to 3, to avoid the impact of radar level meter failure.

5. The radar level meter located outdoors should be installed with sun and rain protection measures to prolong the service life. After installation, use the PC to observe the reflected wave curve to judge whether the level meter is installed properly, if not, further adjust the installation position until satisfied.

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